What Extreme Punishment, It don't exist!
Extreme Punishment, what a joke! The only extreme punishment in the US would be the Death Penalty, and the odds of a murderer actually being A)Put on death row and B)Actually being executed are soo low, it's not worth the thought.
Extreme Punishment wouldn't be 3 square meals a day, bed with clean linens and a laundry service, cable TV, Utilities, "yard privileges" such as gyms, basketball courts, etc. All for free! Oh yea, I forgot the free college education and/or GED, and job training, health care, all free, then on top of all that, get an allowance. And Low security Federal prisons are even nicer to live in.
Now, deter that, rather hard to do. Why do murderers and rapists and drug dealers and such need a gym, or cable TV, or a TV at all for that matter, They can get their news from the radio piped over the intercom system for all I care. Not going to deter crime when they can live better in prison than on the streets for starters.
Hey if I rob the liqueur store, I might go to prison, oh well. Now try this, remove the non essential elements from the prisons for starters (the food can taste like crewel) and bring in some corporal punishment! The Nuns had it right smacking unruly kids knuckles with a ruler. It's obvious that rehabilitation don't work for to many (not saying all) so why bother? Why give a murderer a college degree? what purpose does it serve? Why do Convicts need porno mags? And why do I have to pay for stupid appeals? No new evidence, no appeal (giant period).
There is nothing wrong with "Tent City", pink boxer shorts and giant vacancy signs, or even chain gangs.
"Yet if the prisoners housed in Arizona's Maricopa County tent city jails are complaining, they have some good reasons. At that facility the incarcerated are fed only two meals a day, with green bologna sometimes appearing on the menu. They are quartered in outdoor tents under sweltering conditions, and they sleep on cots which lack pillows. They work on chain gangs. And they wear pink underwear. " http://www.mcso.org/submenu.asp?file=tentcity
Sheriff Joe Arpaio has a good thing going down there, I know I would sure think twice if I knew I was going someplace like that. Especially since I live in Nebraska.
But also, since we are talking about crime prevention, Health and Human services needs to get their act together, in an effort to prevent children from become offenders, namely abused/neglected children and children being brought up in a criminal family. What would also help this would be no more children visiting their incarcerated parents (ouch). Children raised with criminals, learn the ways of criminals, and since crime does sometimes pay, and prison is easier than earning a living...... you can draw your own conclusions.
Summary, smack em with switches once month for the duration of their sentence and see if they want to come back.